

What We Do

We not only sell but we care our customers

Canben Medical Equipment Company, while observing all quality principles in preparing its products, since it has put customer satisfaction at the top of its most important goals, guarantees its devices in accordance with the conditions stated in the manual of the device to eliminate possible problems.

Providing spare parts and consumables for the device and better after-sales service will be the main program for customer retention and long-term cooperation, because the sale happens once and ends, but the desired after-sales service connects the buyer to the company for many years. And pave the way for the customer’s next purchases


Our services are briefly limited to the following:

Consulting, offering and selling the most suitable supplies needed

Installation, training and commissioning of all devices

Warranty and 24-hour after-sales service

Periodic repair, maintenance and service of all devices

Providing standard equipment, spare parts and consumables